Randy's Dog Dandy's, Tri State, Friday, 4/29, live 7 pm Eastern.
TRIP 1, 3-2-5-4, HONDERDPERCNTTAT, drop in degrees, top break.
2. CAREER, 1-6-7-3, SUPERIOR DAM, Category "A" won by Hound.
3. RACE, 7-1-4-6, FF DOG TOPIC, two degrees down, up and down.
4. RUN, 1-3-8-2, PULL CHAIN, down triple level, up inside.
5. CARRERA, 2-3-6-5, COACH DON JULIO Biggest internal break for 4th win.
TRIP 6, 8-1-6-5, ON PUNKIN, level drop, outside high, inside 7.
RACE 7, 2-1-7-3, YES LATTE, Dog "A" doubled, closer to top.
8. RACE, 7-5-8-1, FLY WOLF BLAST, two degree drop, win in last 7 "C" squares.
9. CAREER, 4-1-5-8, GO BRANDON, ratings drop, main break, last 4 wins.
10. CARRERA, 7-4-5-6, JAX SAM I AM, triple drop, 'C' final win.
RACE 11, 8-7-6-5, SINGER KB, Grade Fall, career best, last 5 wins, 7 inside.
12. CARRERA, 5-8-3-2, TURBO REBECCA, Top break, 4th and 6th alignment.
13. JOURNEY, 1-7-5-3, HOLY MAKER JS, The slope descends, the peaks rush and approach.
SELECT 4, 1 of 7, 1 of 5, 1 of 5, 3 of 6.
14. STROKE, 1-5-6-2, SIT FUND OPS, two degrees lower, more rest.
15. CARRERA, 1-5-8-4, I'M NOT A BUGGIN, Level down, up and down and close.
16. CAREER, 3-6-1-7, MAC'S SUGARPIE, 6 straight wins.
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