Randy's Dog Dandy's, Tri State, Saturday, 3/19, live 7 pm Eastern.
Game 1, 6-5-7-8, BH DOONBEG, defeat, recent winner "C".
6 and 8 days doubles races 1 and 2.
Race 2, 8-3-7-1, TNT HONEY POT, broken wheelbase.
Race 3, 3-2-4-8, WD M ONE ABRAMs, two-stage descent, high speed.
Game 4, 7-8-2-3, JS legal offer, defeat, final winner "C".
Game 5, 8-6-2-7, FINKLEIS EINHORN, Score, High Rest, Par 7.
Game 6, 3-1-5-8, Fedele Julio, Double Drop, Last Winner “D”.
7th competition, 2-5-6-8, SUPER C ACE Eyes, High Internal Speed, final winner TA.
8th race, 7-8-1-4, top wood, fall class, 8th rest for the winner.
Race 9, 8-4-7-5, sabotages Steve, high speed outside and approach.
Game 10, 2-5-4-7, CET MOVIN MEECH, Triple Drop, Inside Speed.
Race 11, 7-6-8-1, CET DIRTY FLUURRY, Double Drop, Final Winner "B".
Race 12, 5-3-6-7, GLS BLONDIE, high break and rush for the fourteenth victory.
Race 13, 8-2-1-6, FF THE FUSE, case class, final winner in C-8 boxing.
Choose 4, 8 and 2, 2 and 5, 1 and 8, 8 and 1.
Race 14, 2-5-6-1, ARTEX BRONZEWING, two-stage camber, internal breakthrough at the top.
Game 15, 1-8-4-7, Killer Tolstoy, Score, High Break, Iowa Steaks Championship.
Race 16, 8-1-5-7, MARLBORO MAN, maximum rest for the 6th winner, within 6-7.
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