Randy's Dog Dandy's, Wheeling, Wednesday, 4/27, live 1 pm Eastern.
Race 1, 4-7-2-6, Oshkosh Cape Cake, High Track Break.
4 and 3 day double passes 1 and 2.
Race 2, 3-2-4-1, PAT C KNOB, 3 best winners in a row.
Race 3, 1-4-2-5, HL'S ASHER, best inside break.
$ 500.00 Guaranteed Option 4, 1-O-4, 4-O-3, 1-O-3, 1-O-2.
Race 4, 4-3-6-1, RS POWER HOUSE, High Speed, Leicester Rains Doghouse.
Race 5, 1-3-2-4, SPICE IT UP, goes at speed and near Southland.
Race 6, 1-2-6-3, RCK Mills Creek, two-stage descent, top.
7. race, 1-2-3-8, lucky you, score, internal speed.
8th race, 1-6-2-3, slope as desired, race and near, 2 width.
The 9th race, 1-5-2-4, is meant to be a JS, three-level drop, including speed.
10. Race, 3-1-5-7, AMF LIVINTOSERVE, Double Hound "A", High Speed.
$ 500.00 Guaranteed Option 4, 3-O-1, 3-O-4, 1-O-3, 1-O-2.
Race 11, 3-4-5-2, RHT KAROLYNN, two-stage descent, high acceleration in the middle of the track.
Race 12, 1-3-4-5, SUPER C AMEGA, internal speed and method.
Race 13, 1-2-4-5, HK'S JESSIEGIRL, double point, new "B" winner.
Choose 5, 1 and 2, 3 and 7, 3 and 2, 2 and 5, 2 and 3.
Race 14, 3-7-1-2, Uncle Theo, running inside to win 7th.
Race 15, 3-2-7-4, pound height, drop point, best break.
Race 16, 2-5-7-1, Monopoly Hogs, third best home speed.
2 and 2 16 and 17 in the last doubles match.
Race 17, 2-3-5-1, hesitation, drop points, fall from the top and hurry.
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