Randy's Dog Dandy's, Wheeling, Wednesday, 9/1, live 1 pm Eastern.

Race 1, 3-1-6-5, Mac Rohan, Double Fall, Great Medium Rush.

3 և 3 day double race 1 և 2.

Race 2, 3-2-5-6, wide field, two landings, up.

Race 3, 1-3-6-2, XB REJUVENATE, Internal Top Break with 3 consecutive winners.

$ 500.00 Certified Choose 4, 1-և -3, 2-and-4, 1-and-3, 5-and-1.

Race 4, 2-4-6-3, AT CAMIE, Inside Speed ​​և Approach:

Race 5, 1-3-8-2, CHATAM, fell with the victory of the "A" round Hound.

Race 6, 5-1-2-6, KB'S FOX TROT, High Speed ​​և Fence Chase.

Race 7, 6-2-3-8, BARTS FACT Check, Best Midtrack Race և more.

Race 8, 1-3-2-6, TR'S SSHADOW, two-stage landing, upper interior rest.

Race 9, 1-3-7-8, BGR outdoor woman, two landings, speed.

Racing 10, 6-3-1-4, KB'S SCORCHER, Double «A» Hound, High Speed ​​Track Speed:

$ 500.00 Certified Choose 4, 6-and-3, 3-and-1, 6-and-1, 7-and-5.

Racing 11, 3-1-7-5, RCK Mills Creek, Score Score, Award Speed ​​և Close:

Race 12, 6-1-3-8, FF LEVI JET, Result, High Speed ​​Tail.

Race 13, 7-5-1-2, SNL READYTORUN, points, high speed, final winner "C".

Race 14, 3-5-1-8, EASI KADEEM, Best Inner Rest 8. For the winner.

Racing 15, 2-1-6-3, Aunt Patti Cake, Score Drop, Best Inside:


He paid 5.3 և 1, 8 և 6, 1 և 3, 1 և 2, 5 և 3 last week, which is $ 25,183.60.

Running for 17th, 8-6-3-1, Vegas, out of the best race և 8th victory.

18th race, 1-3-7-4, VET PRIDE, points, best closed speed.

Race 19, 1-2-7-5, HB All Online, GC, Inner Speed, Blanchard Kennel.

They doubled from 1 to 5 in the 19-20 finals.

Racing 20, 5-3-4-6, Disco Fever, Double Stage victory on both sides.


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